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nose problem.

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crowdpleeser | 21:30 Mon 04th Nov 2002 | Body & Soul
3 Answers
I'm getting a really strange build up of bogie in my nose. It is very hard, and sometimes made up of blood. What should I do?


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Have you recently turned on your central heating? If so, that would dry out the atmosphere, and be enough to dry out the nasal secretions. Try putting some bowls of water on or near your radiators to create a bit of humidity, or get a humidifier or try steam inhalations. As for the blood, sorry to be crude, but do you tend to pick at the hardened secretions? That might be enough to break some of the tiny blood vessels in the nose and cause some bleeding. But, I'm no doctor, so if you're worried or it doesn't get better, you'd best go to your own GP.
Do you get coldsores? I sometimes get them up my nose, which will bleed sometimes if you try to pick it out. It will also keep coming back until it comes out in a more normal place (e.g. on your lip). If you think this is what it is, just leave it alone and it will go away.
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yes to both answers, the central heating has been on, and I did wonder if it was a cold sore, which is pretty disgusting. I will try both suggestions....wish me luck!!!

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