Why do people hate emos? in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Why do people hate emos?

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confused115 | 17:08 Thu 06th Apr 2006 | Body & Soul
27 Answers

I dont get why people have to label other people, I know why some people dislike chavs (because some are violent and they are known to get pregant at an early age) but whats wrong with emos! :O I would be interested to find out.

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what is one
Sorry confused, i dont get the question. Whats an emos?
Strange post confused... you seem upset at people labelling others, but then go on to reiterate prejudice (violence and early pregnancy bit) and then bring in a whole other group of people by referring to their "label". (emos).
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lol.. emotional rocker.. people with fringes over their faces, stud belts, skinny jeans, converse, sweat bands, black nails and makeup etc.. dont worry if you dont know what one is, im new to answer bank and didnt know what else to ask :)
I would be more interested to find out what an emo is :-)
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argh never mind. im crap

stick with it babe, i was interested...i didnt know what 'they' were called. this is why AB is so good, you can ask what you want, when you wont..dont be so hard on yourself...i think you're lovely already...x
Confused 115, you really seem confused don't you.
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yesss.. im in a weird mood, i always have weird moods when i feel down its probabaly cos iv just started a new diet. thanks kazminx

when i think of chavs i dont think of violence or pregnancy...i think fake gold and burbury..but ive met some very nice chavs...

Anyway on to emos..ive never heard of that..byt anyway i have so many different friends that look different, dress differently etc. I used to be a 'goth.' I must admit i was guilty of judgeing people twice last week and regret it. First was a man i considered to look rough and scruffy and 'hard' and i thought he was goimg to start taking the p*** out of a deaf man when his back was turned but to my amazement and pleasure he started to sign to this man.

The next was when i saw a man in the pub, a bit drunk, dressed in tight leather trousers covered in studs and ripped, peircings eveywhere, tattoos huge spiked shoes and a bright green moheekan. Any way i put him down to be a waster, drug addict etc. and he came to ask me for a lighter and spoke very well so me and my bloke started chatting to him and he was a lovely man - seemed very caring and considerate.

(I was totally ashamed of myself on these 2 occasions as i was judged alot purely on the way i dressed and hated it and knew it wasnt fair.

There will always be narrow minded judgemental people out there who will only ever judge on appearance but you just have to rise above it and know who you are - f**k the people who judge you before they know you!

Well, I knew what an Emo was. I don't think all people hate them, some look quite cool but some take their individualism to the extreme and make fools of themselves.

Nothing wrong with chavs or emos, everyone is an individual and you're right they should be treated with respect regardless of the way they dress etc.

People soon start getting upset if they are called "old gits" and assumed to be senile,yet often they are the very ones making age and dress based assumptions about other people (I've got nothing against elderly people myself, just something I've noticed with some, before I get labelled a "labellist".lol).

Anyway nice to meet you confused, glad to see you're a not judgmental soul:)

I'm such an old fart...when I read "emos" I thought it might be some abbreviation for emoticons, eg ;o)

Then I got confused as to why chavs etc were mentioned.............

Anyhoo, Hi Confused (your name reminds me of that annoying car ad, sorry)...welcome to AB. Stick with it. Body and Soul is a very friendly topic. just take your time, and go with the flow. xxx

Never did Rod Hull any harm!
Because their entire look / outlook is fashion based, probably.
you are welcome confused115.x

I don't hate 'emos' at all...(iv actually been called one just for wearing a stripy jacket!!!) but the irony of that whole kind of lifestyle is that a lot of these ppl dress/think the way they do to try and be different, yet there a tonnes of 'emos' these days and its become the fashionable thing to be...not exactly unique then!

& welcome to the most useful website you'll ever find confised!

I don't hate 'emos' at all...(iv actually been called one just for wearing a stripy jacket!!!) but the irony of that whole kind of lifestyle is that a lot of these ppl dress/think the way they do to try and be different, yet there a tonnes of 'emos' these days and its become the fashionable thing to be...not exactly unique then!

& welcome to the most useful website you'll ever find confused!

I've never had any problem with emos; in fact, a couple of my best friends fall into this category, and are wonderful people. As other people have said, I think it's stupid how society tries to classify everyone into some kind of 'group'; why can't we all just be individuals, some of whom happen to dress and behave in a similar fashion?

Everyone assumes the world is a more tolerant place these days, and to an extent it is, but it will be a lot better when everyone just accepts each other for what they are, regardless of how they dress, look or act.

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cheers for all the answers doooods xxx

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