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comfort zone

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scruffscat | 22:07 Tue 09th May 2006 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
I was just wondering why it is that whenever some people feel stressed,me included,it just feels soooooooooooo nice to scoff your face off !! any ideas?


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well yes as it happens. i think that sometimes the thought that we are losing control of our emotions brings out a natural instinct for survival and to survive we nead to eat, but with me I SUBSTITUTE VODDY FOR FOOD SO I AM NO JUDGE.

....i guess its just a fact of life....... where did i put that chocolate

Think we all do exactly the same. When I'm stressed or worried about anything though, I cant eat at all, feel sick at the thought of food.

Actually I'm going on me hols at end of July, so I really could do with being stressed for quite a few weeks beforehand!

instinct, chocolate makes you feel good so you reach for it, i know i do :op

Because food tastes nice! It is one of life's joys. Like sex. It has to be or we would stop doing it and then we would become extinct!

I think when we get stressed we feel we must preserve ourselves, so we eat to reassure ourselves. It makes us feel instantly better- and if it's sugary we get the high from it. Nothing worse than being miserable and hungry.

It's a well known fact that examiners mark higher after lunch!!

Choccie's and Carte dor for me.mmmmm

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