Have you or anyone you know got a weird phobia? I was reminded today whilst looking at some incredibly cute signets about a work colleague i once had who had a fear of fluffy yellow chicks! How could ya not love em? Also, my sis-in-law has a thing about beans, not beans in a group but if there is a lone bean it freaks the hell out of her! Whats that all about??? Please share because i find it fascinating.
Oh my god katie~77, I LOVE sponges!!! I enjoy doing the washing up just because I get to use a sponge, they fell sooooooo good, and if theres a nice smelling washing up liquid in them I cant resist going back later for a bit of a sniff!
I have a huge fear of cutlery scraping on crockery! I don't go out to restaurants very often, but I'd probably have to wear earplugs if I did! Even pictures of cutlery on a plate make me feel uneasy! I was looking at a cookery book the other day, and some of the pictures showed a plate of gorgeous-looking food with a fork on the side, prongs down, which visibly made me shudder! I could almost hear it scraping across the plate! I feel so silly!!