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I'm having a night off

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Rubyrose | 22:31 Fri 16th Jun 2006 | Body & Soul
18 Answers

Whats everyone up to this weekend then?

I am taking a night of from my clubbing and man hunting! Hehe. I am gonna get in my pj's and watch a dvd whilst on AB. :o)

But tomorrow night... I'm back on the town. ;o)



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Hiya Ruby, tonight, I am reading one of my many self help books LOL,........oh and drinking some wine..........God life in the fast lane huh! :)
I have a very boring weekend ahead of me, doing nothing (can't afford it) but I'll make up for it next weekend!!
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Lol. You better slow down Alice... you dare devil you.. Lol ;o)
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Good girl Kate. Thats what we like to hear. Lol.

I was gonna go out and get drunk on �20 again like usual..(I'm a girl.. guys buy me drinks.. Lol) but my Gran gave me �40 today! She just gave it to me. Awww. I am gonna buy some more work shirts with it coz I think thats why she gave it to me coz I said I needed some but also I will keep some back for tomorrow night. :o)

Also got some lightbulbs that need dusting
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Bl00dy hell Alice... You really are putting my weekend pub crawls to shame! Lol
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Who said that?

Lol, Just joking Wardy hunny. You know I love ya ;o)

i have to work this weekend Ruby, but I am studying my new weightwatchers book for recipes and it is numbing my brain. I hate vegetables and fruit and pasta!!!!!! Still, I am off to jamaica soon so need to tone up a bit.
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I find the Weight Watchers diet really easy... Just can't be @rsed with it! Lol. I love vegtables and fruit and all healthy bits and bobs! But I find that no matter how much you diet... you should always excersise! I'd rather eat what I want and just excersise the weight off!
oh trust me I get lots of exercise, at work we have to go up ten long flights of stairs several times a day!
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S0d that Dotty! Where do you bl00min work!!! Lol. I have to wander down to the photocopier and kitchen.. Lol. Its about 100ft!
Debenams Ruby! 5 floors and not allowed to use lift! It keeps my arse toned anyway lol
Ruby ��.a night off!? Disgraceful �.I�m very VERY disappointed in you!! Lol ;-)
I�ve got a friend I haven�t seen for a year(!) coming up tomorrow am, lunching then probably end up loafing around in the sun catching up, then we�re doing the London to Brighton bike ride on Sunday stopping at our old next door neighbours for lunch on the way!
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Jon.. I need a night off hun.. I am getting old.. I'm nearly 22 ya know! No spring chicken ;o)

Yeah hun, you are knocking on a bit I �spose!

Either that or you�re a bloody lightweight! ;-P
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I am a lightweight.. and on that note I am off to bed. :o)

I'm pooped! xx

Hi Rubyrose, I hope you have great fun clubbing!

This weekend Im doing a 20k run at 6am 9Saturday).. then at 10am Iam going on a Heli-chopper ride with my dad and son, then Im going on a boat to a resort to April Point with my brother and his gal for some sushi and wine because its her B-day. Then on sunday its fathers day so Ill be treating my husband like gold and taking my dad out for something fun.

Sounds busy abit Fun times

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I'm having a night off

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