Verrucas in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Purplewitch | 23:11 Fri 16th Jun 2006 | Body & Soul
3 Answers
Over the years, I have had loads of verrucas, the most I have had at any one time has been 37 over both feet because I am particularly vulnerable to this virus.

Now years later, I have 3 left, which I have had for a few years that I just cannot get rid of and want to know if anyone knows of any 'cures' or ways to get rid of them.

I have tried the usual 'Wartner' and freezing techniques as well as banana skins and even trying to carve them out but nothing seems to work on them anymore.

Any suggestions would be very much appreciated!! :-)
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My daughter had 25 verrucas on one foot and 10-15 on the other. Our GP used Cryo surgery on them. Repeated the process on weekly basis. Took about 6 weeks before we noticed them going and about 3-4 months before they disappeared. The Cryosurgery was done until it was seen to be working.
Hi purplewitch

Have you got rid of your verrucas yet because i've just got rid of the 17 i've had for two years with the new Super Bazucka gel....not the old purple one, the new yellow capped one...
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Thanks for that, I still have them and will definately try buying some of that stuff today!! Thanks again, I'll let you know if it works, glad it worked for you :)

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