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money or love

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stylinsam | 16:11 Tue 20th Jun 2006 | Body & Soul
64 Answers
if you had to choose what would it be and why???


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ray is spot on,all the money in the world won't help you through times like that but love definately does.
defo love,moneys nice but isnt everything
4getmenot and redcrx are brother and sister.That was why they were talking about love.O.K so you think a person with 1 million pounds is rich?You are weird.You cannot even buy a nice house with that money!And how do you expect to run the house on that and have a posh car at the same time?Impossible.
We are not thank you!! get your facts right
I dunno, I reckon if I was very rich my wife would still love me. You can have both you know.
Dont let her ruin your post stylinsam, she's just jelous coz she hasnt got many replies today on hers. Dont rise to it. :-)
4getmenot, your drivel has degenerated this thread by turning it into a chat room.
Yes Octavius,of course you can,but would you rather have the money or your wife? it would be great to have both,but you must choos e just one, what is your choice?
Nope, I am certainly not weird. I actually said 'millionaire status' .

I really don't care about the fact that my definition of rich is different to yours. Why would I? I already know I am happy and you are not..and that you are perfectly ok at lying through your teeth ~ even to daddy dearest.
Octavious, what drivel did 4getmenot post. She was replying to the OP and correcting the russian after she posted false information.
ray, you sound like Dick Turpin. Your money or your wife indeed! Hmm, have to think about that one... d=13988
When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out of the window. Old saying but if you have to struggle sometimes love does not overcome..In days gone by you made your bed and had to lay on it ...these you don't have to. These days if you are not happy you move on.
Having said that ..I have had plenty of lolly in my time and Mr.S and myself have enjoyed the high life ..we are now retired and live on a fixed income ..but I still love him and no matter how little or much money we have I certainly wouldn't put money over the great relationship we have way.
Methinks I am more dick head than Turpin,never mind though I am sticking with mrs sparx,cos i luv her.
And this edit facility is twaddle and doesn't correct my bad grammar and spelling mistakes !
4getmenot you said on a post not long ago that redcrx was your sister.You said (quote) what you been saying to my sister redcrx?Oh dear someone is lying!!!LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
Yes I answered the question thanks. If I'd degenerated this post in any way I'm sure stylinsam can tell me. and surely it is non of your business. Lighten up.
You can take that back she is my sister, work it out!!! I'm not lying
If someone lies around here it isnt 4getmenot.
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of course not 4getmenot you no me i love a bit of banter! carry on lol thanks for the answers evrybody !
Yes I did say she is my sister so how does that make me a liar! I have never lied on here unlike some. I am a girl therefore we are NOT Brother and Sister as you said. That would make us sister and sister!! So take it all back.

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