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stylinsam | 16:11 Tue 20th Jun 2006 | Body & Soul
64 Answers
if you had to choose what would it be and why???


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Hahaha.That was NOT meant to be a joke.You said in a nasty tone.No we are not get your facts straight!HEHEHE.You were soooo lying.I must be honest I never thought you were a lier but now.You soooo are.Good Bye.At least I know now.
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leave 4getmenot alone! arrrhhh i hate SR so muchhhh
Thanks stylinsam. I did answer you question. I was just trying to put sexy right that me and redcrx arent brother and sister in my other answer :-) and basically I'd chose love because I dont know what I'd do without it :-)
As if you are a woman.YOU ARE A MAN!!!LIER!! HEHEHE.
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sexyrussian get of my post before i report you! you evil cow
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oh and lier is spelt LIAR
Whatever, I think most on here know by know I'm a woman thanks. You're just upset you're wrong yet again, and cant prove I'm a liar. Because I never lie. :-)
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just ignore SR 4getmenot shes looking for attention as always!! ;o) x
Well I can smell pants on fire..and they stink of burned beetroot.

I rest my case.
U ok 4getmenot?
I think some people have so many aliases that they start to think that other people can be male / female / young / old / rich / caring / evil etc etc etc.
The regulars know youre a woman and Im sure they know that Im your sister. A certain someone isnt used to people pointing out her mistakes and has slunk back down her hole for now.
You see what I mean.
Not my pants I hope pippa. I am a woman otherwise why would I post a thread about big pants week :-) Anyway I dont have to prove myself to her, she's just upset she was wrong to call me a liar or a lier as she spells it. Ha Ha. All have a good day apart from SR, over and out :-)
LOL pippa, that is lovely xxx
Octavious, as stylinsam said she isnt bothered, if you dont like it, get off the post :-)
Oooh no not you 4getmenot ~ I know you are a 'sister' LOL.

Why would your pants stink of beetroot?
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listen i dont mind what goes on this post but i HATE bullying (well u can do what you want to SR cos i dislike her) but leave 4getmenot alone!!
I can assure you that 4getmenot is a woman as she dances at the same lapdancing club as me!xxxx
Yer thanks Pinkfizz. SR are the sexes different in Russia, are you sure you're not what we call a man?
Well (in the words of Ward) ''Russian women probably have higher spem counts than the men''

I think I have the correct quote there ;o) made me laugh anyway!
Pippa I hear you are a russian lover now and that you really understand her. :-)

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