You can say all you like about me but one thing I am is forgiving.I have had a few ABers apologise for their behaviour since coming on this website and I have forgiven all of them.If someone had done something terrible to me all they would have to do is say sorry and I would forgive them instantly.However I think most people find it hard to forgive so I was wondering.Are you forgiving?
Absolutely I am a fan, so much so that I have been researching forgiveness and bygones and the like on her behalf, because she is soft-hearted and basically sweet.
Roman history was fascinating because 2,000 years ago they murdered and killed a lot of people! But 2,000 years ago, �forgive and forget,� eh? Let bygones be �beegones.� Whatever a bygone is� (Eddie Izzard)
my problem is that I hate conflict of any kind and generally go out of my way to avoid it even if someone is downright rude to me. So I always end up telling people who've screwed me over that they're forgiven long before I genuinly have forgiven them. It takes me a long time and I never forget it even if I don't mind so much about it anymore and consider whatever they've done as well and truly in the past. I'd like to be more forgiving than that but I can't help it. An ex once cheated on me and after obviously showing how betrayed and upset I was I told him he was forgiven. I loved him so much but I couldn't really forgive him despite having said I had. The result was in a stupid druken moment I kissed another guy and so we split. Whilst my ex was fairly understand seeing as what he'd done to me was far worse we both realised it wasn't going to work but instead of feeling that I'd at least tried my best to make it work I now just feel so guilty every time I think about him. And I'm far more reserved because now I don't trust myself not to do it again. So, in conclusion I can't even forgive myself never mind other people! Sorry - that got quite depressing in the end! xxx
I am far too young to remember 'curry & chips' Ray :o) I swear blind, I was born too late to appreciate all the 'greats' as they were hip & happening at the time!
What was it Spike once said..''I am a lot like my father ~ he was a lunatic''.
i have just giggled like a loon the whole way through this thread!!! pure genius posting all this on SR's thread!!! fantastic!!! hahahahahaha..........oh forgive me please SR for being so mean!!
I have patiently read though each answer and now that I am at the end of all these posts I have forgotten what my reply was going to be. I like Fawlty Towers.
Sorry Pippa I have to disagree. SR has shown an entirely balanced approach to ratings although she MISSED A FEW. Answers should be rated by their content and relevance, not according to the poster. Notwithstanding that she has still MISSED A FEW.
Seagoon: Wait! What's this in the corner?
Eccles: Shhh. Don't wake him up.
Seagoon: Why not?
Eccles: He's asleep.
How did whiffey know that SR was going to a lecture on skin diseases, when SR didn't mention it on here, but asked to get back to what the post was about. During the time that Whiffey was posting SR did not respond, but has awarded whiffey with stars for talking about Spike, not the question in hand?
Can we forgive SR for all of the following:
Russian without basic English
Russian with good English
Not Pregnant
1 child
Parents will look after said child
Parents will look after said twins
Parents will look after said child
Parents will look after Pomeranian dog
Father owns a hotel
Father is a doctor
Father owns a hotel but is a GP
need I say anymore? I'm sure there are many other lies to which she should ask forgiveness.
Bluebottle: I fell out of the tree!
Ned S Did you hurt yourself?
Bluebottle: No! The ground broke my fall!