You can say all you like about me but one thing I am is forgiving.I have had a few ABers apologise for their behaviour since coming on this website and I have forgiven all of them.If someone had done something terrible to me all they would have to do is say sorry and I would forgive them instantly.However I think most people find it hard to forgive so I was wondering.Are you forgiving?
I totally agree with you Pippa - I can't even begin to comprehend how people manage to go on with life after their child has been killed - I dont think I would rest unless the other person was dead
I asked nicely.I never said she could post on my thread.I do not want this on my thread.Go away please.I have asked nicely.I do not want to have to ask again.It is not fair.Go and post a new post if you want to discuss yourself.How rude of you!
Huh SR ~ aren't we all discussing ourselves? you were asking us all into your thread by posting a bloody question you dafty!!!
if you want to discuss yourself then go onto msn and chat to someone else..or better still use some of your phone credit.
It's when you do this that I lose my temper with you, silly little go and spoil it for yourself. it's like dealing with a 5 year old sometimes ;o)
And no, PinkFizz, you should not forgive the traffic warden. It is common knowledge that all traffic wardens are the spawn of satan and should be spat on and called ugly bearded dykes, so actually you owe it to yourself and society to go back there and finish the job!
You can answer the question by saying whether or not you are forgiving but understandably I do not want people deliberatly ruining my post by writing about how their day has gone.This was a good thread before it was ruined deliberately.So lets get back to forgiveness.
Then don't post a CANNOT pick & choose what people say on a thread. You have thrown the doors open to any answers, and general chat always happens.
and I tried 5 times to post my question but it wouldnt go thru for some reason,and seeing as you always hijack everybody elses questions I dont see how you can moan