Is it just me, or does anyone else hum loudly or sing when something embarrassing from the past pops into your head to make you cringe? And why do we do it? Do we really think we can drown our thoughts out by making a noise??? :o)
Same here....I'll sometimes just talk invouluntary random nonsense rather than the usual humming. Odd behavior. Possibly tourettes......WANXER$ lol ;-)
There's that boy that does it in 'about a boy' book/film. I do it all the time. I'm not so bothered about the humming/singing, but i really wish i didn't keep thinking about those awful embarassing moments!
I say ouch. I have no idea why - perhaps the memories are so excruciating they hurt my pride. I does earn me some very strange looks though when I say ouch even though I blatantly haven't hurt myself