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Can't get up in the morning!

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1977Nicky | 10:33 Wed 28th Jun 2006 | Body & Soul
51 Answers
I HATE MORNINGS! I really, really struggle to get up - I am now thinking that I have got myself into a routine that isn't helping the situation.

I have to be up at 7 but set my alarm clock 20 mins fast so although it still goes off at 7 I know it is actually 6.40 and I can press snooze for 20 mins. However, for those 20 mins in between snoozing I work out how I can spend more time in bed - what I can 'miss out on' so I can get more kip, except I don't really sleep during this time so it is pretty pointless.

Ultimately I usually end up being late because I have not left enough time to get ready! I'm thinking I should ban myself from pressing snooze and take a leaf out of my husbands book which is to get up as soon as the alarm goes off but don't know how I am going to get out of a habit of a lifetime!


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Lol! My cat's the same - this morning she bit my toes to try and get me up, even that didn't work! Mind you, just recently I think she has been taking a leaf out of my book and having a lie in - she seems to now be waiting until I get up rather than hearing my alarm and attacking me! As if she doesn't sleep enough already! I am coming back as a cat.
I have the same problem with getting up every work morning. So I usually set 4 alarms at different intervals and one outside my bedroom. It still doesn't make me any happier to get out of bed though - I've even been known to wake up, have a conversation and then fall asleep again with no memory of any of it when I actually get out of bed!!
And weirdly, when I have to get up at 7am on Saturday and Sunday for rowing, I jump out of bed!! Its just work.....

I have come to the recent (i.e. yesterday) conclusion that I should just get out of bed when I first wake up at about 6am.... but this morning my pillow was just too enticing!
Okay Nickers, i'll post my progress on this thread every day next week too. :o)

Or maybe I should just invest in a cat? I have a dog but if I open the bedroom door he simply comes in and either curls up on the floor or curls up on the bed. He's as bad as me!! My boyfriend reckons I'm contagious because even he's starting to sleep in!
I would join in the challenge, but I've just finished my GCSE's and so its summer holidays for me, therefore I have no reason at all that I should get up before 11. Good luck anyway!
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Ok chainfire - was there any need for that?!?!?! Now you are just winding us up! ;-)
Okay Nicky, looks like it's just you and me. I shall report in at 09:30 hours on Monday morning, SIR! Over and out.
I used to be like this until I discovered the teasmaid.

I bought a teasmaid (a tea making machine that you have beside your bed) which is also an alarm clock in one. I set the alarm and the tea. The tea is made (except I have coffee not tea, I'm very fussy about my tea and have to make it in the appropriate cups etc....another thread) and I set the alarm for a few minutes later when I know the boiling beverage will be drinkable. I then kinda drink my bevvie half lying down/half sitting up and the radio comes on at the same time. The combination of sugar and hotness wakes me up and then I can't stand to be in bed any longer!
I also set the breakfast table and my clothes out the night before too and this makes it more motivating to get up. When I never used to do this, the days when I knew the kitchen was still untidy and I would have to hunt high and low for a clean pair of tights used to demotivate me even further and I would gladly stay in bed for as longer as poss.

If you can't get a teasmaid, maybe some glucose tablets would work instead. Instead of reaching for the snooze button, reach for a glucose sweet. The sudden boost of glucose should wake up pretty quickly too.

Also try putting your alarm clock away from the bed so you have to get up and switch it off.
hope this helps.
But I do agree in essence of course. Mornings are really rubbish.
Who votes that mornings are bad ideas, and must be got rid of?
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Am liking the teasmaid idea mimififi - maybe worth a go that one. Have previously tried the alarm clock across the room one, just resulted in me getting up to turn it off then launching myself back into bed!

When I was in my final year of uni (a few years ago now!) I had to get a friend to phone me every morning at 9 - that seemed to work although I am sure I wasn't the best conversationalist at that time and being a student!

Champagne - this morning when I was trying to get up (and failing) I groaned at even the thought of next week and trying our challenge! Must be positive - we WILL do it!

Chainfire - yes mornings should be banned, along with Mondays!
Hi, this made me laugh, because I am exactly the same with the alarm clock, setting the clock fast etc, even setting it to odd times like 37 mins fast or something, trying to kid myself that I will forget how fast it is and therefore panic myself into getting up! Mainly I have to get up around 8am, but sometimes I work an early and need to get up for 6.15 (or 6.47and 5 seconds) someone told me that before you put your head on the pillow, if you pat your head slowly but firmly and say out loud 1,2,3,4,5 etc up to the time you want to wake, then even without an alarm you will wake up, fairly alert at this time. I have done this on the occasions I am on an early and so far it seems to work, but it could just be me in more of a panic, I'd definately try it for your challenge though, cos it has worked.
Good morning nicknackpaddywack!

Day 1 of our challenge hasn't gone to well as I got to work at 08:40 (I start at 08:30). Mind you, I had completely forgotten about the challenge and my alarm went off this morning and I just lay in bed for about 10 minutes, contemplating shifting my lazy ar$e, when it finally dawned on me that I had a task to fulfil. Dagnammit!! So I got up. But as mimififi points out, there is nothing worse than having to get up in the morning to ironing, searching for clothes and that whole panic thing that goes on. Which is why I was late. :'o(

So tonight I'm going to iron my work clothes for the week ahead and see if that makes a difference.

p.s. don't have a teasmaid, but I have a boyfriend who makes me a smoothie for breakfast! :o)
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Good morning bubbly! Well, I was slightly more successful but that is only cos I have a stinking cold and was awake from 4 waiting for my alarm to go off! By the time it did at 7.10 I was wide awake so got up straight away (still would have loved to stay in bed though!) - I even changed my clock last night to the right time for the 1st time in about 10 years! Was so worried I was going to forget that it wasn't fast anymore! GROAN, feel like pooh! If for some reason I don't post tomorrow it's cos I am off sick!

Lucky you for having a boyf who makes you smoothies in the morning, my other half is usually sound asleep when I go to work - but I had to get him up this morning as had left my car outside the pub so needed a lift!

Good luck with challenge tomorrow! DON'T FORGET! xx
Morning! I decided to see if I could get up at 7:00, because I needed to get a lot of work done today. Sucessfully, I woke up at 7:00 and almost instantaneously I remembered this post, and I just got up and was wide away straight away.
Lets see if it works tomorrow!
chainfire you make me sick!! Stop being so sprightly in the mornings!!! At least pretend to be struggling!

By the way, are you in the US by any chance?
Nope, England. And usually, I'm not classed as awake until two hours after I get up, but for some reason remembering this thread is like my caffine - don't think it will last, anyone have any idea of up-ing the dose (maybe a bet) :-)
Good morning Nicky, I hope you're feeling better today. x

I'm really not doing very well at this challenge thingy. This morning I actually managed to sleep through my alarm. D'OH!! I got in at 9am. Half an hour late. Hahahahaha! I think I actually did better before I set myself the task...
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Grr - have been trying to post an answer since 8.30 this morning but the site keeps crashing - if this works I will try it AGAIN!
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Whenever I type my long message it doesn't work :-( will keep trying
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Hoorah! Ok, basically what I said was:

Day 2 of the morning challenge (said in BB voice!) and I did it again! Mind you I was awake before my alarm again due to 100 degree hear and stinky stinky cold!

Am all smug at the moment as I have done it 2 days in a row now but I think the real challenge will be when I am in a deep sleep and the alarm wakes me - then I realise I have no snooze time! I think I will keep this up though as I will actually be getting more sleep than I was before cos my alarm won't be waking me up 30 mins before I have to

Champers - you are useless! What type of alarm have you got? I have a radio one so can turn it up really loud if necessary! 3/10 - must try harder!
Woke up a bit worse than yesterday, took about 5 mins before I decided to leave my bed. I think that it's going to go all downhill for me from now on!

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