I've just caught up on this and the other thread. What a lousy manager you are, Booboopoo. I bet you were a bully at school as well, and I wouldn't be surprised if most of your office mates were, too. You are one of those who gets mentioned on 'who's the crappest boss you've ever worked for' threads. I've actually worked for a guy whom David Brent could have been modelled on, but even he was a more decent individual than you are.
I hope she sues your company for constructive dismissal. Believe me, if I thought you worked for me I'd have security escort you from the building before you could even sniff, and I'd tell everyone why, too.
That woman was probably depressed - your personal hygiene is one the things to go when you're depressed. You've probably just made her feel a hundred times worse - well done. I have a friend who is very overweight, and who also smells sometimes, especially in this weather or when he's working (he's a sound technician to rock bands). When he gets depressed about his weight and/or his PH, then his work suffers. He becomes more depressed and neglects himself, and so the cycle continues. He knows he stinks. He knows he's fat. What helps him most is knowing he can talk about it to someone who doesn't judge him for it, because despite his problem, he's a damned good friend and a solid, reliable worker.
Booboopoo, the only one who stinks in your office is you.