What do they look like? Part II in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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What do they look like? Part II

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whiskeysheri | 12:00 Tue 01st Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
244 Answers
Hey, everyone! I haven't asked a question like this in ages, so I hope you don't mind...

I've asked this before but seeing as there's always new AB'ers around (especially in B&S), I thought it'd be a good one to ask again. Here's the link to the old one if you're interested? http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Body-and-Soul/Q uestion219343.html

Anyway, when I 'speak' to all you AB'ers regularly, I get a picture in my head of what you might look like. Tell me what you imagine others look like (obviously your MSN mates don't count)...
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Ray, short memory, yes, wierd (sic).

What is this, knock for knock ?

Did you do me an especial favour on 'that night' ?

Oh, and I used to be ok did I ? Thanks a million.

Chimps butt, now that is great.

whooping with the ladies!
Spot on!
whiffeys coments too close to home i fear, ray?
i bet he's gutted he hasn't got your seal of approval.

say goodnight to your blissfully ignorant wife for me ray.
somethings going on round here
i'll sort it in a jiffy
aah,i knew that i could smell a rat
theres definately something whiffey

alter egos everywhere
wonder who it is
he/she's floating everywhere
taking the bl00dy pi$$

dont you get wrist ache,swapping your usernames that quick BOYS!

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What do they look like? Part II

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