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What do they look like? Part II

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whiskeysheri | 12:00 Tue 01st Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
244 Answers
Hey, everyone! I haven't asked a question like this in ages, so I hope you don't mind...

I've asked this before but seeing as there's always new AB'ers around (especially in B&S), I thought it'd be a good one to ask again. Here's the link to the old one if you're interested? uestion219343.html

Anyway, when I 'speak' to all you AB'ers regularly, I get a picture in my head of what you might look like. Tell me what you imagine others look like (obviously your MSN mates don't count)...


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I love ray too!
he loves us all
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More guesses and descriptions, guys!

What about Mrs Ed? :o)
whats wrong with somebody been nice??
whoooo mrs ed blonde hair slim, wears penncil skirts and white shirts and black specs
and has got gel nails! lol
Mrs Ed: I have a woman in her thirties, highlighted blonde hair, refuses to wear suit to work, possibly a glasses or contacts wearer, I think blue eyes.... And of course she is always fair and lovely... ahem!
Mrs Ed - Very tired and stressed looking, like an old school nanny who's got a far to many kids to deal with. Always losing her glasses, and possibly ties her hair up with a pencil.
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Only wonderwoman1 and PosyJo, out of anyone I speak to, actually look anything like I thought they might!
Hi is that fcuking monkey still out ? wheres the keeper ?

what you on about Scanning asking if i'm Rascist, why do I sound as if I am,? I don't like monkeys, well pig ignorant one anyway, please explain yourself
I'd like to revise my Mrs Ed statement, as I think it may have been unwise ;-)

Mrs Ed - Stops you dead in your tracks when she walks by, and you know that no matter what happens to you for the rest of you life, the best bit has just waltzed past. Oozing grace, elegance and exquisite style, women are in awe of her, and men are helpless dribbling fools.
Ray you make me laugh,i've been p33!ng myself reading this,!!
No, i've been banned for having an opinion
Hi electric, what is that monkey about,? it's got it in for me, it can go screw itself,about the only shag it's ever gonna get,there are some real sad sods about,then some wazzock asking if i'm Rascist, christ electric whats the score on here?

you ain't gone off me yet then. ? did you see my picture, christ I give up, keep smiling kid, let us know what happens later xx

I'm sure i heard on another post spinchimp/spuzzbag or whatever his/her name is was black amongst some drivle IT was harping on about, so not sure where the monkey comments were leading to, if you are then you not so great as everyone seems to be making out!
Oh christ it's got out again, tell me what is your problem chimpy ? come on are you sad and lonely? no chuffs to sniff ? what is it. just jealous of normal beings?, spose you would be being a monkey
i look like you expected whiskey?? everyone else that has seen me has been surprised and said i look different to what they thought!! xXx
Nice pic
ray just leave it to it's sad little games!! this is a good thread xXx
Scanning I am in no way shape or form Rascist I have never come across this chimp before,so what it's problem is god knows, is it because I happen to get on ok with a few on here maybe ???
"some Wazzock"..... yeah ok RAY

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What do they look like? Part II

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