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nat_84 | 13:53 Wed 09th Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
490 Answers
So who on here has actually revealed a pic of themselves to all those on AB?

If not, why wouldnt you?

If yes, what kind of reaction did u get?


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Question Author
i'm bored... shall i expose myself?! (and i dont mean take my clthes off in the office - i mean send the link to my pic)

I will if u promise not to slag me off!!!!??
Question Author
lol oh ok - silly me!

Are u male or female fms?? I'd guess female...

ok i'll give my hi5link - but for some reason my computer at work is really slow at getting onto that site - so might take a while.
no disrespect folks but how many of you are at work at the moment ?
y would you think im a bird
porobably loads y
Im at work. why?
sorry nat i mean member of the fairer sex ;oP
im at work!!
Question Author
yeah im at work - are u wanting to tell me off?

so ur a bloke fms?
Question Author
so where's ur pic?

would u say u were handsome or more on the bordering ugly side of things....?
working currently preparing a purchase leger report for the auditors and its as boring as it sounds!
you could ask posy or pink or china
Question Author
put ur picture up then.

Im bored i need something to laugh at ;0P

The beermat on touchoflights shoulder has worn off now.
go on fms, send us a pic in your uniform. All blokes look good in uniform
Question Author
what uniform has he got?
one with a big helmet apparently lol
Question Author
lol ha ha ha.

hmm..... interesting.
ahh you sods i dont have a pic in uniform i have of my shiny machine tho hahaha

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