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nat_84 | 13:53 Wed 09th Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
490 Answers
So who on here has actually revealed a pic of themselves to all those on AB?

If not, why wouldnt you?

If yes, what kind of reaction did u get?


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god forbid id disturb you all when on the site when at work just go for it why work when you can play re your answers much as expected the country is save in your hands p s no disrespect intended !!!!!!!!!!!!
No disrespect intended, but what do you do, crete?
**** off crete!!!!
fms must be fireman Sam!

fms, my bf has a bigger one lol!
crx ive been discovered
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ok crete.....

yeah i do have msn. but if i put my email address here then mentalists like crete would probably stalk me.....
hi mccfluff!!! xXx
crete we're having a bit of fun if you don't like it go away!!
no offence taken. Im a company director and can take time between calls to browse on here. No harm in it. And Im sure the public is still safe and wont have any problems with the products i supply because of it.
sorry crete but i really didn't understand your last post!
i think cretes stealing stuff from the "no offence" lady from the fast show hehehe
ok crete your a complete ******* loser who has nothing better to do than ******* wind yrself up by looking at things that **** you off so you must be somesort of ******* idiot ****** off and leave us alone you ****
he he he he he yawn yawn yawn yawn go play children
aaany way where wer we
yeah so do i but i dont know what thwe address is doh
abusing your company time
how can you look down on this when last week you trying to liven things up with silly questions? I cant see where the difference is. Either youre in a bad mood or someone has been using your ID to say they have 10 kids etc as you did last week.
Im sorry, i cant see whats wrong with asking for pics of people on here. No its not a dating site, we know that and that certainly isnt why i am posting.
we're quite happily playing here thanx crete!! you don't have to join in if you don't want to, but we're quite nice to play with really xXx
crete whilst you were green you were posting fun 'silly' q's in which we joined in and had a laugh, now you've gone grey did you have a humor bypass operation at the same time? uestion269519.html
snap redcrx, great minds eh!

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