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nat_84 | 13:53 Wed 09th Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
490 Answers
So who on here has actually revealed a pic of themselves to all those on AB?

If not, why wouldnt you?

If yes, what kind of reaction did u get?


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i think he's on his "man period"
goon then nat wat yr msn
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[email protected]

i'll have to show u my pic tomorrow though but u can still send urs!
crete, what is it that you do?
nat can i add you too hun?? please xXx
for the rest of the day guys have a great time
we will!!
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yes all nice people welcome!!! :0)
anyone fancy a biccy got ginger snaps or choc hobnobs
I thought lightoftruth was a she but she is not he is a he lol.
oooh choccy hobnob please!!
Question Author
cheers mccfluff.

Oh girls... fms is quite sweet. Better looking than i thought he'd be.
thats not fair nat, and posy help yourself
*blushes furiously* aww cmon leavit out
oh fms, firemen cant blush its too girly!
ahh well im gonna hide behind me big red pump hehehe
ta mccfluff!!! have fms put his half naked pic on yet??
does anybody else think that lightoftruth looks like glynn from bb before he had his hair cut?? or is it just me!! xXx
yeah toatally
You have to admit, it's a riveting read :)

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