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why does love?

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~posy~ | 13:05 Wed 23rd Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
120 Answers
why does it hurt? why does it make you feel sick? why does it make you so confused you can't think straight? why does it give you some of your happiest but some of your hardest moments? how can it make you so strong one minute but break you the next? if love is so wonderful why isn't it always good? xXx


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she's doing the housework china, she'l be back in a bit. i'l tell her you were looking for her.
Ah bless her, thanks hun, tell her I said hi. xx
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helloooo!!! anybody here?? xXx
Hi babes!! You okay? x
Hey sweetie, how's it going?
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hi whiskey!!
hi china!!
i'm good ta!! how's you two doing?? who's getting married?? have i missed something?? xXx
I think rb's marrying someone off, but I'm a bit confuzzed! :oS
Absolutely no idea babes, think me and Whiskey are just hoping we're invited and that there's a big party afterwards!

So what's this thread all about then angel? You and hubby going through a second honeymoon or something?! I standby what I said about never wanting to feel like that lol!
Question Author
it's not about anything! it was a general wonderment (is that a word??) xXx
Don't know love.

Oh right, just sounded very personal to me from the question and the answers you gave... my mistake Lol!

How's you anyway? What's everyone been up to? Haven't caught up with anyone for ages!
general wonderment my a$$. something is afoot!!
Question Author
nothing is afoot stevie!! you said you are in love, does it not make you feel all of those things?

china - don't think you've missed much babe, same old i think! i haven't been on much this week because i was in Reading from friday til tuesday, and steve is home so i just nip on when i can. you got any gossip for me?? xXx
Hmmm.... you thought so too eh Stevie? Glad it wasn't just me!
I am gossipless babes I'm afraid, uneventful life I lead and all Lol!

So you and Stevie are both blissfully in love then... sound like you're both going through second honeymoons... I'm almost jealous ;0)
i'm not convinced. further investigation may be necessary!
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sorry!! stupid pc crashed!! being in love is the best feeling in the world!! it's just not always easy xXx
Sorry, actually had to do some work there...

I think it's time to get your detective skills out again Stevie... I'll play Watson!

How can something that makes you feel how you described be the best feeling in the world?! Lol!

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because the highs are the best feeling you will ever experience!
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i can't be bothered with stars anymore!!!

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