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Your mood in one word...

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whiskeysheri | 21:58 Wed 06th Sep 2006 | Body & Soul
147 Answers
Well, guys? :o)


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this ones only 3 months old!!!! demand a better model for no extra cost!!!!!
some times my computer makes me want to take a hammer and crush it!!!!!! Other times I am so thankful I have it. Like sometimes i need to get an attachment and it says that I can't get it and it makes me soo mad! grrrrrrrr
hey bubbly!!!!
how you doing? how are things on the other side of the pond?
this fcuker is driving me mental. i need it for work. dell had better give me help in the morning or there will be hell to pay!!!!
hi Steviep! It has been super hot here in the us. Is it hot where you are?
blummin hell - we wish it was hot, its pi$$ed it down for weeks - so much for summer!!

A xXx
nope, winter is drawing in northern england. think its going to be a bleak one!!
time to re-establish myself as the snowball king of northeast england!!
oh your lucky it snows where you live! It doesn't snow where I live! It is supposed to be getting cold up in the us though.
yeah, but not like it used to - just that cr@ppy sludgy stuff now!!

I wish it was the other way round - I'd love to live somewhere that is hot all the time - i really hate the winter, it makes you so miserable!!!

A xXx
whereabouts in the States are you?

A xXx

Morning Whiskey!
stressed, morning hun
What's up Fluffy? You ok?
happy its not raining today.
i'm ok China just lots of work, meetings etc and i can't be bothered with any of it really, i've just had my 10am health and safety meeting cancelled which is quite nice so i'm reading the paper now and a bit more relaxed
Ah Fluffy, work stuff. Yeah, I could do without work today too... I have to stop going out on school nights.

Morning Crete and FMS.
morning all.
Question Author
Hey hey! Morning!

Why confused, fms?

How's you China?

Sodding work, eh, mccfluff? Least you've got a little admirer!! :o)
Perky, hun, very perky! ;)
Question Author
Yay!! My babes is here!

Good mood then, hun? :o)

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