Ok I have just asked a question on tv and instead of asking who is the black girl I put coloured and got a stupid comment back. What do you right if you have to describe someone of an ethical nature. Ok I didnt have to put she was coloured at all, but just thought it would help. http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Film-and-TV/Que stion294755.html
I wouldn't worry about it 4getmenot - whatever you put would have probably offended someone! I personally would have put coloured myself as well.You can't win sometimes!
Can't see anything wrong with the question at all,
perhaps we are not politically correct 4getmenot, some people are lurking,waiting to correct our every move,or spelling mistake.
I just couldnt bring myself to say the black girl. I'm sure that would have been worse. I'd have said caribbean, african if I knew where she came from. :-)
ive described someone as being black before and then had someone say to me 'they are not black, they are brown'. i think its pathetic really. my skin is a sort of pinky-peachy colour, but i dont make a song and dance if someone calls me white!!!! im 27 and i think the world has gone pc crazy!
I think the comment you got was silly - I mean if you had put black - well nobody is actually black are they?Just dark skinned.As nobody is actually white - just pale skinned.
All I can say is that my husband is a black Jamaican and he calls himself black but would NEVER be offended if someone referred to him as coloured.I don't think it's a big issue.
yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i've just finished work, sorry had to share that.
i'm half malaysian and a friend of mine was describing me to someone and could not think of a pc way to describe my skin colour and settled on 'strangely brown' still makes me crack up now!
I've given up trying to keep track of what's pc and what isn't!
I know I called a chinese takeaway a ****** once, thats just what we shorten it to where I come from and was called racist then aswell. to me its just like saying chippy.
Absolutely spot on 4getmenot! You were more polite than I would have been !
OFFS would have come into my answer somewhere, I am sure. EverClean wants you to clean up your political correctness, obviously. I say bo**oc*s to do gooders. Say what you are comfortable with. Pink Fizz is right - you'll always offend someone, whatever you say .
but its what we are I wouldnt be offended if someone called me white. my sister best friend is half cast and she even calls her half baked but I guess she's close to her :-)