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lynneylou | 13:38 Tue 26th Sep 2006 | Body & Soul
8 Answers
is there anyone else out there who doesn't enjoy having a birthday??? Im 36 on Friday and know i'll not enjoy the day, fuss made etc!!! Why???


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nope you are not the only one!
I get depressed and I hate my birthday!
Why do people make such a fuss I really dont get it at all!

oh ps happy birthday for friday! LOL
Hey it's a great excuse to party! Who cares if you are getting older. So is everyone else.
did u enjoy ur birthday when u were turning 18, 21??

If so, maybe ur just concerned about being nearly half way to 72....?
nope. I hate birthdays. but then I dont remember the last time anyone else made a fuss about mine! Good God, I've got it on me today.
I don't find birthday's particularly enjoyable now, although I did as a child.

Just put a brave face on it and try to enjoy one of the last before the big 40!
33 on Saturday 4th, having a big party, but much better to be 32.

Birthdays, humbug !!

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well at least i'm not the only boring one who dislikes 'their' day!!! Happy birthday to you anyway!

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