Hey fluff,
I'm good - I think...posted a few replies today, here and there...read all the nasties that had been going on - unbelievable!! In answer to your Q - no, I would think the majority are embarrassed/hacked off/fed up and possibly ashamed to see all the bitching...what any newcomers and overseas visitors make of us - God knows! Perhaps along with a new Ed they should shut down AB for a fortnight and start afresh...
However, that said, Muffin is a crazy as ever - asleep on a cushion at present - ah peace at last!!
Off to London tomorrow for an overnight stay...so will not be on here until Friday eve...
Hi to everyone on here tonight, and jules have a really great holiday, and behave yourself LOL!!
It's slumberland for me now - so goodnighty one and all...
n00ds xxxx