What exactly is it that they are doing that makes you feel like this carla? Is it their actions? Are they being obsessive and making a fuss if things are not to their liking? Are they being over happy and abit over the top generally? there must be a behavior that you can pinpoint that has made you think this way. maybe they are themselves not even aware they are giving out these signals, we can all become quite insular at certain times when things are weighing heavy on our minds and the future seems to only remind us what has gone and will never be recovered. if we surround ourselves with familiar people who care about us, and try, but not too hard, to make oursleves get on with our lives until the mood passes, then we can often get through the bad times quite well. however, if there is also a physiological problem that hits us when we are at our lowest, then sometimes the downs last longer. seeing someone like yourself showing such concern and with a sincere wish to support them but not crowd them, should give them encouragement.
Remember that everyonme has milsetones to pass and burdens to carry. Just sometimes we are lifted by a look or a word.