This is quite a weird one. I have for some months now been in discomfort EVERY time i have been to the loo. It appears that after i have been to the toilet a rather large lump has appeared around my bottom making it disomforting to sit or walk. The lump usually disapears after 30 to 40 minutes but on occasions it can last up to a couple of days. I was wondering whether anybody may have any ideas as to what the problem could be as i would be a little embarrased explainingto a doctor face to face
Probably piles, could be a polyp. Sometimes they need operating on though. Best go to the docs, he might not even need to see it. Alternatively you can get creams and pessaries that might heal it.
Probably piles, could be a polyp. Sometimes they need operating on though. Best go to the docs, he might not even need to see it. Alternatively you can get creams and pessaries that might heal it from the chemist.
it sounds a bit like piles, you can buy some cream over the counter to put on the lump, but you really should get it checked out by your Dr before self diagnosing especially if you haven't had this before. Don't worry about seeing the Dr about exmbarassing problems, they have seen it all loads of times and probably worse.