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Just wondered if...

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snagged | 23:24 Tue 24th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
117 Answers
...any 'ABers' have actually got 'together' as a result of chatting on here?...


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Me, me! You know I do, babe! :o) x
yaaaay!!!! haha hurry up then!!! lol xxxx
WW have never been to scotland, have heard all sorts about the natives :)

Pink / 4getmenot, how about one weds eve? Seems to be the only eve i get free when im in norfolk
Heehee! I'll have to start saving for my petrol, babe!

Would've been great if we could've met up in NY! :o) x
but...there's no way of knowing someone's contact details through this site, no personal info, email address, etc. So how do people arrange a meet?

Are there ever any organised meets?
we are now allowed to post our email addys on the site if we want or msn messenger details.
yep can do :-)
I would love to meet a lot of the people on here,a few of them have allways been really nice to me,they know who they are,a few of them have answered this question, a few are georgeous looking ladies,they won't admit it,but trust me they are, whiskey,sash, I will mail you both later,take care xxx
ray,. travel over to norfolk one wedsnesday and meet us 3 lol xx
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See what you've started Snagged?! ;0)
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its all good 'clean' fun...
Hi red,

I will be coming over next year, gonna arrange a meet with electric, be good to meet you as well, xx
'Clean'.... Hmmft, count me out then!
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so make it 'dirty'!....
Nah... I'm too sweet and innocent for that sort of thing Snagged.

Unless perhaps I suggest that we all meet up at a local tip? That would be fairly dirty? ;0)
thatd be great Ray, electric isnt too far from us really. And 4get is always up for a night out!
yep :-)
I'm a bit loved up with someone on here (who will remain forever nameless). Have met him once already but very briefly and we had a wonderful snog!! And will be meeting him again in the very very near future!! ;-) He's lovely and amazing and my biggest thanks go to ab for introducing us!!! :-)

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loobie... no need to hide our love for each other from the rest of AB!... I have to say though, that green stuff between your teeth ruined that snog for me... : )

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