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Just wondered if...

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snagged | 23:24 Tue 24th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
117 Answers
...any 'ABers' have actually got 'together' as a result of chatting on here?...


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Snagged, I think you might be confusing it with a dream you may have had darling!!! Don't worry, we all make mistakes!!!
Sorry I vanished - I had to go out !! Where are you all now?
I'm here! :o) xxx
I'm fluttering around....
And me!!!!
theres a lot of really great people on here but there is one rather lovely laydee in particular who i think is absolutely gorgeous,
and we have met and shes even better in (real) life XXXX
< Lightbulb goes on @ 100watts! Eye brow raises. Refuses to comment. Walks off with knowing smile >
Ooh la la! ;o)
isnt this exciting????? Bit of a head doer though, any clues loobie and fms?
You gotta be kidding me Jules my love?!

<Hint, hint.. hit previous page > ;0)
ah so fms and loobie
sorry jules no can do im afraid;~)
Nah... Snagged and Loobie?! I thought she protested too much! :0)
no comment! ahem...

ho hum - lovely weather we're having!
spoilsports and after i led the fms fanclub as well!!!!! lol
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China Doll... you're wrong on that one... I only have eyes for Raysparx... he is shunning my advances and not replying to my emails though (weeps)... I'm going set up camp outside his house and sing tortured lullabys up to him...
I would like to remind you all this is a question and answer site and should be treated as such. I'm disgusted at the behaviour exhibited here by such well established ABers. If you don't have a proper question, this is not the site for you.

Now all of you go and stand in a corner and think about what you've done.
eh wat fan club did we have t shirts and mugs that sort of thing?

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