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admarlow | 12:52 Wed 08th Nov 2006 | Body & Soul
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ha ha, Nat have you ever read any of his posts over in news?
no...maybe thats why im missing out!

Gosh guys im so bored today and its only....10.30am :O(

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ok, hnat have you ever had an email from a bloke wanting to put �20mill in ur account, well I wind these people up, there is a site about it, its called scambating, take a look read the letters archive, that will keep you busy!!!

lol. Did u watch Graham Norton the Bigger Picture the other day?

They had people that wind these "nigerian bankers" up - and get them to send a photo of them in so they can prove that they are who they say they are and get them to hold signs saying "I eat $hit", etc etc etc...well funny....

Maybe thats about the site you just gave i'll take a butchers!
lol i think that sites produced by the bloke that was on The Bigger Picture.

They showed that pic of the guy sitting with a loaf of bread balancing on his
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ha ha I missed the programme!!!!!! read the letter marked - ''the mark of shiver'' they get the guy to get a tattoo!!!!!
Hilarious admarlow.
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its good isn't it umm, ive started doing it myself, ive even got an e-fax account, these people are so gulliable, and Im doing a public service wasting their time and money!!! I know its naughty but I give them mobile number of people who I don't like!! ha ha ha
Good thinking batman!

That's just up my alley!
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ill tell you how to do it if you like!!!
Go on then! I've got a couple of people in mind already!
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right, set up a brand new hotmail or yahoo account, but don't put your name on it!!! then type this into google...
mugu and guestbook. now go into about 20 of these guestbooks and leave a comment like 'nice site'', or ''amazing'' and leave ur ''new'' email address as the contact. within a day you will get loads of these emails from these scammers, but you must put ur new email on at least 20 sites with mugu written somewhere on the guestbook, let me know how you get on!! BUT DONT TELL THEM ANYTHING AT ALL THAT IS TRUE ABOUT YOURSELF!!!!!
Cheers....I'll let you know....I've taken down all the notes so the mission is Go Go Go
'Afternoon, all!

How are ya? You feeling a bit better today, spk, hun?

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hey WS, how are you!!! Ive decided to crown you the politest person on AB...... Im going to think about one for the others, to.. xxx

ummmm any luck yet??
Four sites down so far...anyone want my new email address?
Hey WS!

Whats everyone lunching on today ...?!?!

Spks done a dissapearing act again! :O(
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no no no only save it for scammers!!! ha ha ha u didn't call it by ur name did you!!! ha ha !! let me know when u get a email from a scammer, what ever they say reply saying u are interested then they will start asking for ur bank details (make it up) and ur number (give them you know whos!!)
Hiya, hun! Was lovely chatting to you last night.

Heehee! Politest? Why, thank you! My mum's gonna be so proud. (Please avert your eyes from my last post on Pink's thread. I really am polite, I swear!) :o)

How's you, nat, babe? Hope spk's alright, bless her.

Just finished a Cornish pasty from the baker's... and a cream cake (my dad force fed me!). How about you? xxx

Im good thank you! Very bored....and feel like a drink.... ! x

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