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admarlow | 12:52 Wed 08th Nov 2006 | Body & Soul
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you don't look like a drink (ahem! sorry!)

I only had a cheese sandwich!!,

*wanders off to find pinks thread with a worried look on his face*
Gosh my mum used to say that to me all the time!!!!!

Ive just made myself a thai chicken salad, and ive got pitta bread and homous....

With a glass of orange sqaush!

Quite healthy today - for a change!
You two have put me to shame. Carrot sticks for my dinner now :o(

Anymore 'titles' for anyone else yet, ad, hun? x
Trust me WS - this is the first time ive tried to eat healthy since ive worked here!!!

Usually its chocolate, crisps and a chicken sandwich!!
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well best dress has to go to Nat for the school girl photo's!!!, mmm now spk..............
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and spk get the Bunny award for acting like a rabbit, if you know what I mean.....
lol - awww thanks!! Next week i'll show some more school girl madness from my birthday! xxx
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nat - you know I print them up and put them above my bed, hope thats ok???

Aww, my crown isn't as fun as the rabbit thing! Haha!

nat, hun, we'll have to come up with one for ad, unless he's happy staying as the Question Author'? ;o)
yeah ad go for it - aslong as ur chick doesnt mind.

Yes i was trying to think of one WS....can u come up with any goodens for ad?
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Miss Admarlow kinda likes it (Kinky B!tch)

ha ha ha just kidding.........honest x x x x x

i think ad marlow is "sweet"...or is that one of those words that men would rather you saved for your nan...?

Or it could be used in a cool why like" im sweet as a nut mate!"
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ha ha lol, thats ok xxx
well i actually think its suits u - coz u fit perfectly in both definitions...ur sweet as a nut and ur a really sweet bloke...

although when u go travelling around the world.....and leave us here all'll become

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lol, I know, I promise to drop in though!! and ill give you all the sing to our blog type thing
What have I missed folks.... I just want the headlines ! xxx
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You have won an award, see above ^^^
Well I would like to thank fitty, who without this award would never have been possible, my ever faithful turtles for all their care love and support, and providing me with tips for getting to test ride fitty, and the good Lord (not you admarlow) God bless America, and when I grow up, I want world peace
Yep, agree there, nat! :o)

Oh, no, no, no, ad! We want postcards! ;o)
Hiya whiskey are you well? :O)

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