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admarlow | 12:52 Wed 08th Nov 2006 | Body & Soul
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and Admarlow said..

thou must not worship idols or other gods, there is only one true god and that is me and I am the Author, don't make me bring fire and brimstone down on you spk!!, I can give awards, and just as easily take them away!!!

Admarlow:Revalations p7543
Admarlow- I will take whiskey and my other turtle and we will leave you here all alone and I (AKA ME, SPK, DON, BIG DADDY, QUEEN BEE, THE WABBIT) will all leave you on yer own and start a new thread, Right girls? So wind yer neck in.

Pffffffffffftttttttt !!!!!!

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*sob, sob =0s*
awwww i think we all need a big group hug!!!

*stretches her arms out to everyone*
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awww thanx nat

*hugs nat while glaring at spk*
spk is very tetchy. sniff sniff, I picked a fight with raf yesterday, and now Im pickin a fight with don, Im just not feelin the turtle love I just not feelin it I think and and and Im very sorry and and ad can we be friends again you can be my lord. Sob waaaaiiiiillllll !!! Its just not easy being green sometimes >:O(

(thats not a mohican- its me frowning)
spk - ive been sensing a lot of tension....from you towards us...... is there anything you'd like to get off ur back my dear...?
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much love as always spk xxx
well, I think that Don isnt as respected as the other turtles. I think I feel that as Im not available to play as much, that Im left out. Im suffering from some abandonment issues, and I feel neglected and disrespected.

Deep down, I still want to be batman
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fanks ! xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx

I will really try to be a better turtle. sniff sniff
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gasp!! so what you want to get off your back SPK is YOUR SHELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its itchy I dont like it :(
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well I feel dirty and used!!
I know

*spk hangs her head in shame*

I have an interview tonight turtles I think Im a bit nervous. At the end my question will be, emm do I get internet access like?
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do you have to wear a cape for it?, well I hope it chaffs!

(where is it honey??) XXXX
I feel as though we're slowly falling apart....:o(

I feel as though my shell is slipping from my back and im struggling to keep it on.....:o(
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nnnnooooooooooooooo keep the faith nat!!!
I will NOT go to the dark side I can see the light Im coming back I promise !!

Dont lose the faith I need you both!

Interview is for a high street bank, I hate face to face but its better than this sh*t Im doing just now, moneys not worth it feeling miserable for. And its 5 minutes from where I live woo hoo ! Be much better xx
Hiya, hun! Missed you there...

Big hugs and crossed fingers for the interview. Knock 'em dead! x

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