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##Wardy## | 15:38 Wed 06th Dec 2006 | Body & Soul
86 Answers
If you were to appear in the new series of Mastermind, the TV company states you need 5 specialist subjects (incase you reach the final).

My 5 would be

1) The Life and Works of David Bowie
2) The Life and Adventures of James Bond
3) Criminal Law
4) The Conservative Party 1939 to 1996
5) Vampires throughout the Ages.

What would your 5 be?


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Yeah it was indeed Fattinelli, poor chap.
What is the very particluar name given to a vampire hunter by Romanian gypsies?
Question Author l

This is very short and quite informative aswell
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Is it something like Vampiredercjez????? My knowledge of Romanian Pikey language is not brilliant.
Its all well and good answering questions when you can just go onto Google or something and look them up in your house. How do you think you'd do in the hot seat though without your little electronic friend? :o)
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I do not google my answers. I am just naturally gifted with a way above average capacity to retain utter sh!te in my brain.

Anything important, fails my memory.
not very well.
strigoi morti, not too fond of garlic or The Carpenters
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strigoi is a vampire. I assume morti means killer??

Very good, I have never heard of them together.
What a good question! Mine would be:

1. The Simpsons
2. Derby County FC 1970-present day
3. The films of Quentin Tarantino
4. The Beatles
5. The plays of William Shakespeare
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What 3 Beatle links can be found on David Bowie's "Young Americans" LP?
Well, undead (or indeed dead) vampire. But armed with garlic and the fat of a pig killed on St Ignacious Day, you would also need to look in the Romanian Yellow Pages for a local dhampir.
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Dhampir was the word I was after, never heard strigoi and morti together either but it makes sense. You could also have asked for a moroi or a mullei ( devil/demon killer).
A dhampir was traditionally the mortal orphan of a vampire and held in great store for killing the little devils:)
Never knew so many people on here were interested in Vampires.

Excuse me, while I just go out for a bite...........
DrChausable... Im afraid I didnt. I could have done but I chose to see Starsailor for the 25th time instead. In retrospect not the greatest choice but I do pick those boys over everything. A million pounds and never seeing Starsailor again, I wouldnt take the money. how sad is that?
zacsmaster, you just made me laugh!! :-))
Ooooh, i've been to Transylvania :)

Mine would be:

i) Harry Potter.
ii) Rocky Horror Show.
iii) Land Law.
iv) Stephen King.
v) Law relating to innocent autonomy (minors) in medical issues.
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Land Law???? I wish I knew you a year ago. I spent over 12k on some two bit lawyer relating to an ancient covernant on my property giving peasants rights of way through my bloody garden!!!! I LOST!!!!!!!!!!!!
�12k, ouch!!!

Did they bother to get counsel's opinion first?

I'm a commercial property solicitor so it's my area haha :)
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I think it boiled down to the land being National Trust and would have meant taking the Queen to court. Due to her divine rights, the case was sadly dropped and I am prohibited from putting any permanent structure up to keep the rambling peasants away.

However, the borough council tried to take me to court for putting up a sign saying "private property keep out" on my own bloody land!! They of course lost and their own sign is destroyed everytime it is put up. Tut tut, what thugs we have in our village!!

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