Legally both are the same, Class A narcotics as defined by The Misuse of Drugs Act.
Also both are the same insofar as they are both taken by lowlife scum bags who are incapable of having a good time with decent company and a few beers.
Further, both are the same insofar as they are for lifes losers with little regard for the welfare of the nation. Crack (and to a lesser degree) coke addicts beg, borrow, ***** themselves and steal to feed their vile habit. Your grandma could get mugged so one of these foul users can have their fix.
Also both are the same insofar as they are addictive, with crack (being the purer form) more addictive.
Both will cause irrepairable damage to the body and both are taken by "needy" people.
Tell your friend to dump the waster. No self respecting person will be seen dead with a druggie. They are foul and basically are a drain on the health service, the police and the economy on the whole.
They do not deserve to die, but when they often do, I rarely feel sympathy.