But make perfect sense within the sentence you are saying? On Christmas day, my 4 yr old son was watching my dad drop hot potatoes from one baking tray to the next and he said "Grandad? Why are you PLOMPING those potatoes in to there?"
What a great word!!? No?
Funny thing was, my dad actually answered without batting an eyelid!
why was he dropping potatoes? surely baking them would have made more sense or boiling, roasting, steaming, mashing even, but plomping next to a small child no no that's just dangerous surely
Lol! My son was sat at the table whilst my father was doing the dangerous act of "plomping". Dad didn't know what he was doing really! He wanted the first tray for something else so plomped the potatoes into the bigger tray, which enabled him to plomp the parsnips into the smaller tray, which needed less room. He was all plomped out by the end of it. Plomping funny though.
very funny lol!!!!!!!!!! i was only teasing!!!! but just a short message to all i think sair has brought our attention to a danger that we may never of known to exist we may all beware now as plomping has been born. thankyou sair my children will live safer now xx
Beware of the plomper for he may plomp you before your eyes. Only a true plomper can see when plomping has truely occured. For you shall be blessed with a plomp in the hours of sunlight alone. Peace to all mankind and may you be plomped in this life and through to eternity.