how to put on weight? in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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how to put on weight?

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Gavinson | 15:05 Fri 23rd Feb 2007 | Body & Soul
8 Answers
erm not for me just a mate of mines sisiters boyfirend...
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Eat more food, run around less.
Make the most of it, when you reach middle age you will be asking how to take it off. It sounds like he needs to increase his muscle mass not a tummy paunch.
stir skimmed milk power into everything like puddings and cerials etc. - thats good for putting weight on.

Eat lots of nuts

Generally try and mix sugars/carbs/fats/ proteins in one meal so for example eat lots of white buttered bread with cheap fatty bacon/sausages and drink sugary drinks.

If you want to put muscle on eat mainly lean protein like chicken along with very little amounts of carbs also take supplements you can get at holland and barratt. And lift weights.
My mum's sister's second cousin twice removed's daughter had this very same problem.

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Oh really pa__ul? You might want to offer up a solution to Gavinson's mate's sister's boyfriend then....

Healthy weight,get to the gym,otherwise,a few pints of draught giuness each night will work wonders

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