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which ABer?

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tinasmith | 01:05 Sun 04th Mar 2007 | Body & Soul
17 Answers
who do you think the three blondes really are?

a long erm user, that is for sure


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dipy sandy? now that is an insult lol freak

a clue,?
but i hasten to add not me, incase anyone thinks i am that stupid and or technically clever lol try again tinaunderanothersuedenymsmith.
There are so many aliases of Dot I�m not sure which would be the correct one but it's the original Dot.Hawkes, the one who works in the shoe store.
I thought they were Whiffey
How many user names do you have now? as many as you had when you last bragged about them? have u lost a few thru deletion? never mind just keep adding them, the technology wioll never be as clever as you.
trust me, they are not the whiffster.
oh is society you too? i think someone already told me that actually!! Hi elvis, i thought they were ummm and her posse
there are many imposters of me but only 3 ids that are me, dot.hawkes; dottyH and DotH, it is not hard, not rocket science, get your facts right
You could lie and pretend to everyone but you and I know the truth, and the ED ,and God lol
ok society, if i am all the blondes name them and tell me their passwords and you go into theor profiles and you send me all their posts? you seem to know so much i assume you can do that, cos i sure can't
I appear to have missed some fun this evening, oh bu$$er. Those darn chicken vindaloos.
Perhaps the person doing the statistical stuff on a previous question should come over here and do an experiment (or hypothesis) on middle-aged angst. But don't include me: I don't remember anything that happened in the 1500's!
Get a grip woman......ffs
did you read that tina. ummmm thinks you are wrong too.
errrrr.....where did I say that?
Just a sec Dot it me thats clever!!! :>)
They're just 3 blondes, quite harmless really. Who cares, has it offended anyone (a blonde perchance)?

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which ABer?

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