If you mean literally then I dont actually live in the same house but my MIL is brilliant in every way. She does not live up to one bad MIL story and I would not swap her for anyone.
I don't live with mine either but she's lovely and I wouldn't change her for the world.
But she hates her other daughter-in-law and you wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of her! Luckily she likes me
My mother-in-law is dead now, but she was nothing like the mother-in-law stereotype. She was Irish, from Belfast, and she was full of fun - she even laughed at my jokes! She never interfered in our married life, or the bringing-up of our children. She stayed in the background, but if ever she was needed - there she was, ready to do whatever she could. Just like Winny, I'd not have swapped her for anyone.
Hi i class my partner's mother as my MIL she is very kind but she has two faults NO:1she back stabs us and NO:2 some times she will pretend to be ill . i can not understand why she dose this because she is always shown love and my partner and his sister visit every day and i go twice a week and i have always been very nice and polite as i was brought up to respect my elders love megan
I LOVE MY MOTHER IN LAW! She is just like a second mum to me now I live 100 miles from my own. And absolutely nothing like my ex's mother who was a complete and utter witch.
I am surprised how many of you like or love you MIL.One of the reasons my marriage broke up was the bitter discussions I had with my ex about my MIL.I just could not get on with her(though she was OK in small doses) and my then wife wanted her to come and live with us as she got older.That would have been a nightmare to me.I suppose I admire those angelic people who live happily with their in-laws as in the Royale family.I think in-laws should leave thieir off spring to get on with their own llife --James