Some of you already know, that my daughter is going through treatment for breast cancer and I thank them for their support. I am now asking PLEASE spare 30 seconds, to click on this link and then click the banner for Free mammograms. That's all it takes, to help someone else, the more it's clicked the more money it raises. So if you should think of it again in a weeks time or whenever please click it again and get your friends to. Many Thanks :-) /home.faces?siteId=2
I have been clicking on this for years already, so, I already knew about it, but today when I clicked I thought specially of your daughter ok Jacey? all the blessings for you and her in this Easter and always...
Thankyou Tiggertan and everyone,it's so nice to see something caring and positive, going on before your eyes. It restores my faith . I originally posted this 1. Obviously cos it's so close to me at the moment. 2. I received an email, saying that people hadn't been clicking much lately and funding was getting low.! So the 30 seconds you all took REALLY could save a womans life. x :-)