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AB list of wierd and wonderful body quirks!!

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PinkFizz | 13:14 Mon 30th Apr 2007 | Body & Soul
143 Answers
Well we all have something, don't we?? Mine is the fact that I don't have toe nails on both of the little toes on my feet! Well, they are so small they aren't much bigger than a grain of rice, so when I paint my toe nails I have to paint the nail varnish onto the toe itself so I look as though I have nails!! Now that is wierd!! Come on then, what about you lot??


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Oh you are looking at the same website that mentions about twenty odd changes to the SA 80.

What an odd man you are.
looks like you were outwitted " by a nurse who thinks Queen Cd's on the wall are cool."
Oh my god who cares, stop spoiling a reasonably good thread.
i have some good body quirks what i can ,do but i cant say on here coz they are rude i will get banned again :0
internal machining to clear feed and extraction paths

- new breech block and bolt

- new extractor and ejector with spring

- new recoil springs

- new firing pin

- new cocking handle

- entirely new magazine made from pressed steel

- new gas plug and cylinder

- new hammer

- new barrel extension

- new barrel (LSW only).

Lambert this is from the website YOU quoted (seems OK) and here are just some of the modifications. Yet you said there has only been one???????

If anybody is following this, I doubt it, they will see that I have infact niot been wrong at all. Even the beloved wikipedia states there are lefties.

I really would love to know the workings of your mind where you think I have been outwitted. This is getting very regular and you have this belief you are always right. I, however, am always right as evidenced here.

4get, what do you mean, who cares??? i find it all rather fascinating! LOL
shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh. If you're that bothered start up a new Question on another section. You two need your heads banging together always trying to beat the other and prove each other wrong. Pack it in.
4getmenot, as I stated I apologise.

Lord forgive me for saying I shoot left handed, strike me down with the plague.

Lambert started and then blames me.

I love you all so here is a joke to show I have a sense of humour.

q) What do you do with a naughty greyhound

a) whippet
how old are you 2 .............j t l and lambert ? my guess is that you are both about 7 years old ffs give it up ...........
you may think that John started it wardy but why cant one of you just finish it and stop?


btw pink, I cant think of anything strange about me at all, think 4get got all the odd genes :)
I know why dont you buy a sa80 each, modify it then shoot each other......

lol problem solved!
Fair enough but be a man and ignore it. 8 posts later�. He started it. Blah Blah Blah.
redcrx I'm special :-)
we know you are sweetie, we know xxx
yep you do sound like mum :-)
I only wanted to point out two things that joe_the_lion got wrong
1 left handed boxers are called south paw
2 AR 15 are only issued to special forces
I would also like to state that JohnLambert is correct in two statements:
1 The SA80 was never meant to fired left handed, the reason is that, as the weapon is so well engineered the cost of turning all the working parts of 10% of the army would be far too much
2 joe_the_lion is indeed a liar and buffoon
Thank goodness that has stopped.I though I was back in school playground discussing merits of various types of conker,pea shooter , water pistol or catapult.
for 10% of the army

Because, when I put my life on the line and nearly died for this country and my father, and my grandfather and great grandfather (who was killed along with 20, 000 others at the Somme) and have some jumped up wife beating fatherless scotch scum calling me a liar, I get defensive.

Have you had a terrorist shoot you?
Have you killed under Royal command?

Probably not (thankfully).

There are two things I am passionate about, my Army days and the memory of my beloved wife. Even David Bowie doesn't come close.

If these are mocked by lambert, which both often are, I shall continue with guile and defeat that big nosed 5 feet seven sack of crud every time.
so what do 10% of the army use?

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