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Men too scared to compliment women

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AB Asks | 10:43 Fri 18th May 2007 | Body & Soul
41 Answers
Everyone likes a compliment every now and again it can brighten up an otherwise mundane day. But two thirds of women feel uncomfortable if anyone other than their partner gives them a compliment. Men are now afraid to compliment women for fear of causing offence, and women are highly suspect of the motives of those paying the compliment. What do you think? Would you hold back on complimenting someone for fear of causing them offence? Do you need compliments to make you feel nice?


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This isn't fair, you're all ganging up on me!!

Leave me alone I'm vulnerable!!

You wait until carakeel come home, she will stick up for me!!
"Cor Blimey GoodSoully my lovely, nice polkadots/bosom stripes" is a Grade A brilliant chat up line. The correct response should have been to swoon like a laydee in a Jane Austen novel.
I like you put on a west country accent for that, it bought back the horrific event as if it was happening there and then.

The problem is, if you are complimenting a woman and you don't know them how can you tell where the boundaries are?
Some women will say thanks, some will say creep, some will automatically think you are trying to pick them up.
What makes women get nervous when a guy says something complimentary?
An instance at my work recently is a perfect example of this. One of the guys in the sales office lives with his male partner. We have a single woman here that wears quite short skirts and often has low cut tops. She does have a good figure and legs and likes to show them off. She recently came back from holidaying abroad and he said what a lot of the guys were thinking which was 'god you're lovely and brown, is it an all over tan?'
We waited for the fireworks and none came ~ she just smiled and said 'nearly, but not quite'. The point is, a couple of weeks before that, one of the guys said to her quite innocently (he's got a fab girlfriend so I'm sure there wasn't anything in it) your perfume smells great. You would have thought she'd be pleased, after all isn't that why she wears it? Instead she made a scene right in the middle of the office and told him not to be so personal and if he made any more comments she was going to report him to the manager. WTF? He was stunned and so were the rest of us.
We've always made a point of being polite and courteous here, but now we are wary about what we say.

Ok, well she just sounds unhinged Samuel! Lol

Even if I feel slightly uncomfortable I wouldn't take it further... coz thats life... it's my own problem of how I interpret things.. not theirs for saying it.. but if it was really really bad then I might say something to the person!
I like to pay compliments, and try to pay attention to the whole new hair cut/colour deathtrap that you ladies love to catch us in.
I find that the pervyness of my compliments is directly related to the units of alcohol i have in my system. Funny that. But I'm not afraid to give them
Bad week.
Nick do you find yourself getting slapped at the bar a lot?
i'm a married woman, and can say my husband never compliments me. most of the time i don't care. i'm in my sweat pants. who could comp that? but when i do get dressed up and do my hair and make-up, he still don't compliment me.
now to answer the question........ my brother-in law compliments me when i'm all dolled up. i love it. it makes me feel good about myself. he don't make me feel weird at all. so men pass on a nice compliment. but do it in a polite manor!!!!
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Always follow the 3 to 1 rule when complimenting a lady. 3 compliments about aspects of her personality, to one about her physical appearence. So lots about how she makes you laugh, etc before a compliment about her pins.
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cause we are too stupid to see through it?
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Clearly we are Goodsoulette! Lol

I tend to get the same few complients when I am out and some of them I like hearing... some of them I LOVE hearing.. and one bugs me! Lol.. the one that bugs me is 'You have great t!ts'!!!! It's like... 'Hey, drooly... look at my face!'
Textbook Paul. Textbook. A master at work.
Thanks Paul, its nice to se you arent like most men.
what it boils down to is a guy who looks like this nt/purplevestman.jpg you can get away with
"get your coat your pulled"
"nice rack"
"love the polka dots...cute!"

but if you look like this 0/772_h250.jpg

"your perfume is nice!"
"do you fancy a drink after work?"
"new shoes?"

are all unacceptable and possibly grounds for sexual harrasment!

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you forgot honest.....ZOMG!! I cant believe I just said that, lying is my favourite pastime!

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