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What gives?

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Champagne | 11:17 Mon 21st May 2007 | Body & Soul
12 Answers
Is AB closed on Sundays? How come nobody posted a thread the whole day? Is it against all religions to post a question on an internet forum? Or was everyone just too hungover yesterday?


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errrrrrrrrrrrrrr it went down no one posted lol
AB has been offline!! I think the ED was hungover or something or just upset at me suggesting she may be a minger!!

Who knows?
Hi champagne and mrk :-)
I thought my comp was playing up or that AB had gone down . xx
i tried all day and couldnt get on here
hi ratter :-)
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Oh crikey! I'm surprised I didn't hear on the news about mass hysteria breaking out all over the UK as people were left without Answerbank!!

What did everyone do? Did you all switch off your PC sets and go out and do something less boring instead?
We all met up in redheads caravan and watched ken dodd all day
We mrk ? I wasn't told , or was I not invited ? :-) x
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bigmamma, would you seriously have gone though? Hangover or not, Ken Dodd just ain't right man!
True , I might have had to sneak away as Ken is known to keep late hours . :-) x
AB went off the air because some disgruntled malicious banned person smashed a whole bunch of essential vacuum tubes with a wooden clog that was made in France.
I cannot post on Sundays, waiting for new computer,SO can only post 9 to 5 Mon to Sat, at worl !! Didnt know AB was off yesterday

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