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Do Women still say this!!! ?

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RATTER15 | 14:18 Tue 22nd May 2007 | Body & Soul
66 Answers
Ive heard this so many times>> " Ive been slogging all day, Ive done three loads of washing and dried them and ironed it all"

What a cop out!!! three loads of washing equates to about five minutes work, putting it in the machine and taking it out, and then putting it in the tumble dryer, OK it takes a little longer if you actually hang your washing on the line!!
I have only learned to do ironing in recent years, it really is the easiest job on the planet, and so many things these day don't even need ironing!! I could do it all day long and still feel refreshed at the end of it, I cant believe that so many Women still bang on about this being such hard work!!

I'm just lucky carakeel isn't one of them!!

Its a walk in the park!!!


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Im not sure if shes soft 4get as i cant get near her to find out. I think shes a bit peeved at being on thehot setting for 20 seconds.
nah katie the only residents i wanna deal with are the two danish burds who live below me .apart from that its just booze and sun.just booze and sun girl.dont get all jealous now .you know hat its like . : - )
would you trade los cris for somewhere in the uk?i think not missy get your head cleared lol
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So Katie, you dont use any spray polishes then!!
How about the spray on femfresh!!
Don't use aerosol polish and how very dare you even suggest that I use femfresh!!!lmao.x
Have you noticed that it is impossible to pull a piece of washing out of the machine without a sock or stocking falling on the floor at the same time ? It drives me bananas, so I do all underwear washing by hand, soothing and sensuous too.
Ironing, what's that ?
ooooooohhhhh whiffey love the thought of you getting your stockings outta the wash.lmao
do you use shake n crack? to put the freshness
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I never drop anything on the floor, I'm alert and looking what I'm doing!!
What puzzles me is that my husband stayed at home to look after our two children before they went to school and did a great job of it. He also did the other things that a houswife would traditionally be expected to do, the washing, ironing, dishes, cooking and a bit of cleaning - not easy with two small kids. However, now we both work and although I have reduced my working week by 2 and a half hours, I now get the kids ready for school, make their packed luches and breakfast, take them to school - go to work - come home, pick them up, do homework, housework, washing, taxi kids about, make dinner for everyone, put kids to bed etc. Hubby still does ironing and a bit of tidying up, but he seems to have completely lost the ability to make any decisions about the house. For instance despite the fact he cared for them full time for 5 years, he seems incapable of deciding and making what they should have for dinner (that's only if I have the cheek to go to the supermarket while the kids need dinner) without asking me first. What's that all about?
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Annie, I think this so you feel needed, I am sure he could easily cope but doesn't want to feel like you are failing!! Bless him!!
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They say that a Woman's work is never done!!!

Maybe they should get a move on!!!!
Hi everyone. You lot have me in stitches!!! Ratter darling, I doubt even you would enjoy standing at an ironing board that long! LOL . I have to agree though that life for women has been made so much easier by modern day appliances. Hmmm, JUST LIKE IT HAS BEEN FOR MEN!!! All the fabulous power tools, garden appliances etc. It isn't just women's lives that have been made so much easier!!!Far more men now working in offices with high tech computers, not slaving away with manual labour like most used to. And as for cosmetics, sprays etc. - increasingly, men are using as much of these as women. So, the high powered cars that you guys love so much aren't contributing to the problems??? We are as bad as each other really! :o)
house work is hard work i dont care what anyone says .when you have kids its none stop , even sorting all the washing out ironing then putting it all away . i prob do about 25 or some thing hours a week off cleaning . and ironing .
thats just cleaning and ironing . maybe i need a new job .
Hi have to agree with you ratter
There is nothing hard in any of it and ironing a piece of p!ss
rat my brother said woman's work is never done ................................. cos it never gets started . cheeky gits
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I wouldn't mind being a house husband or whatever they call them but what would you do all afternoon with all that spare time after all the housework is done!!

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