Do you often get little moments which make you wonder if you are psychic in some way? Like you think about someone and they ring you. Or you talk about a song you like and it comes on the radio? Are these just coincedences (sp?) or do you believe that you may have some kind of psychic ability?
I was at the 'walk in centre' hospital today (a whole other story).. and I was sitting in the waiting room with my sister and I started thinking about the smallest thing someone would go to the emergency room for.. Like would someone go there just because they had a splinter? I was thinking about this for a few mins and how maybe they would go if the splinter got infected etc... (it was very boring in the waiting room.. lol) and as I was thinking this and still pondering it, a woman walked in and started talking to the receptionist and the reason she was there was because she had a splinter in her finger and it was infected! I was amazed at this and thought I was psychic in someway! My sister said it was just a coincedence though. I do this a lot though.. but it is always in the mildest form. Like think of a movie and turn on the tv and it's on. Or talk about a friend and they ring me.