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Psychic moments...

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Rubyrose | 21:20 Sun 19th Aug 2007 | Body & Soul
104 Answers
Do you often get little moments which make you wonder if you are psychic in some way? Like you think about someone and they ring you. Or you talk about a song you like and it comes on the radio? Are these just coincedences (sp?) or do you believe that you may have some kind of psychic ability?

I was at the 'walk in centre' hospital today (a whole other story).. and I was sitting in the waiting room with my sister and I started thinking about the smallest thing someone would go to the emergency room for.. Like would someone go there just because they had a splinter? I was thinking about this for a few mins and how maybe they would go if the splinter got infected etc... (it was very boring in the waiting room.. lol) and as I was thinking this and still pondering it, a woman walked in and started talking to the receptionist and the reason she was there was because she had a splinter in her finger and it was infected! I was amazed at this and thought I was psychic in someway! My sister said it was just a coincedence though. I do this a lot though.. but it is always in the mildest form. Like think of a movie and turn on the tv and it's on. Or talk about a friend and they ring me.

What about you?


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Not at all Legend... If we met and I actually thought you were normal... Lol.. I'd give you a chance... :o) .. Wow... that hurt me to say that... ;o)
Hi rubyrose , Things like that happen to me too , even though they may be coincidence they are never the less strange. A song that we sang at my sisters funeral was one that I had never heard on the radio as it is not widly known any more. Well a few weeks ago I was thinking of her and my other sister rang and said to turn on the radio as that song was on . Also I can start a text and that person will ring or text at the same time. Sometimes things around me happen just as I have thought what if....:-)
how come a woman who's single with no ties is called one of those when she states she likes men?
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Corinne.... Sorry to bore you even more but Right = correct.... Write = written word... :o)
I predict a riot but then so did the Kaiser Chiefs so I dont think I qualify for being psychic.
I have had a few episodes like yourself Rubyrose and I like to think that everyone is able to concentrate their mind enough to become a little psychic but there are so many non-believers out there that they wont even entertain the mere thought of it.
Believe it if you want to, there's no harm in it.
fuzzy x
luckily im a 21st century guy.

i always carry a condom..

or 2 lol
Pity your dad didnt leg-end LOL ha ha so funny winkle breath, dont bother replying i am off to bed
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Me too Legend... You never know what's out there. Never had unprotected sex in my life...

Way of the world Boo... We judge others by our own insecurities and how much we feel threatened. A friend who we love and cherish could sleep with a married man and we will help her through the difficult time and tell her she is the victim... but someone flirts with our boyfriend in a club even though they don't know he is involved and we call her a jezebel or a ****! Bottom line Boo.... the more they b!tch about me... the more I know I scare them... Lol. ;o)
did someone break wind there??

i had a psychic sense of a bowel movement.

or it could have been a sh1t ????
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Little harsh Willy!!!! I am staying out of it!
A few years ago I was watching Most Haunted and they had a bucket with an object in it and the audience and viewers had to guess what the object was. I said to my mate that I reckoned it was an apple and it turned out to be an apple.

Later on in the show a picture was drawned on a piece of paper and you had to guess what had been drawn. I guessed that it was a cat and low and behold it was.

It wasn't the fact that I had guessed them correctly that was freaky but more the fact that I got them both right which was the coincidence.
nar tiggerblue- the really scary thing was that you were watching Most Haunted in the first place ;-)
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Tigerblue - That's weird. I'd think that was psychic.. Many wouldn't agree. Lol.

I normally watch Deal or No Deal with my dad and I always guess what numbers are in the box before they get opened and my dad gets scared when I get loads right... I don't always but I do a lot... My dad says I should go on there.

pity derek acorah was on most haunted .

the charlatan.

and i dont mean the group lol.

I was visiting my niece in Worthing,and on the Sunday,I was walking along the pier.I stopped to look over the side,and was looking at the waves breaking around the underneath structures. I suddenly had an image of a body floating out from underneath there. Next morning,on the local news,they announced a body had been found underneath the pier ! That creeped me out big time!
So what if I like watching Most Haunted. Its a free country, I can watch what I like:-/

Do you hide behind a door and scare yourself?
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im off to my kip folks.

stay lucky.

ruby ill see you later.

btw flavoured or ribbed ; - )
My last answer was to BOO by the way.

I don't think I'm psychic at all but the apple and cat thing was weird.

Lindapinda - I would have pooped my pants if I'd seen the image of a body floating.

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