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Fake illness

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laurence2 | 23:12 Mon 20th Aug 2007 | Body & Soul
31 Answers
Has anyone pulled the wool over your GP's eyes ie faked an injury or illness to get time of work.

I'm just curious as a friend of mine recently got put off for two weeks by his doctor, saying that he had fallen and injured his back, he said that its not the first time hes done this sort of thing.



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wont :) laurie would beat me up :) anyone unemployed for more than 6 moths who didn't have a valid reason would be forced to do the shooting imagine how good the economy would be then we wouldn't have 90 year old women lying on a trolley in a hospital corridor
thats months not moths i have one of them fluttering around my bedroom right now :)
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Love the loyalty bob :)

I knew someone who took 3 days off work because his cat died.

Does he constitute being shot bob?
Bob, I'm disappointed.x :-(
I only have one or 2 days off at a time so there`s no need for a doctors certificate....although when I did do my back in, he asked me how long I wanted I said 3 weeks..might as well eh?

btw..are you Charlie Magri?
why katie? :) yes laurie along with a certain referee :) i bought roberto durans book the other day haven't got round to reading it my 3rd favourite boxer :)
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Whos number one and two then bob?

Ali, Hagler, Leonard?
hagler and sugar ray yeah i love the middleweight/welterweight division i always found heavyweight too cumbersome to watch, big hearns and don curry fan as well, in saying that i hardly watch boxing now far too many different divisions so few quality fights cant wait to see hatton mayweather though :)
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i think mayweather will take hatton apart, tho he has a punchers chance.

Never been a heavyweight fan, tho prefer the Ali, Frazier, foreman & shavers era

Always been Middle/welterweight for me

Did'nt mind The hitman {hearns}

His fight versus Hagler was top draw
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