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When was the last time

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Doc Spock | 11:18 Wed 29th Aug 2007 | Body & Soul
75 Answers
you saw a "straight" pride march.

Would it be seen as "homophobic" and would it therefore be objected to.

I think it would. Why is it that non straights seem to want to shout the fact from the rooftops.


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It was Alf Garnett.
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I shall leave such pleasures to you Jack.
No, that would be me smacking you in the face !
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Could not happen to my family.

Good genetic stock. Everything working as it should. No botched up chromosones.
Spock said it yesterday, along with the fact that it was okay for him to talk about birds in nurses outfits but not "gays" to talk about men in firemans outfits.

I think he should emigrate to Jurassic park, be a caveman and just grunt and hit people with his club.

Not a lot different to now really...
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Men were men then. Bring back the caveman days. Just when did it all start to go wrong.
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Rather violent to-day Jack. Do you have a problem.
You wanted me in a lift.................with a baseball bat yesterday !

Make your mind up, Doc...........
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Just seen that you live in Bradford Clairey. In the early 60's Bradford was taken over by imported mill workers. Trillions of them.

The place is full of silly clothes and red beards.
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I thought you would have liked that, it was only a small bat.
Your idiocy knows no limits does it, Doc ?

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Seemed like a genuine sensible question.

Didn't realise it would generate so much odd response.
Still, one rule for one etc.
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Boundless, Jack.
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Sorry Jack, didn't realise that you are obviously so right in all you say. The impertinence to suggest otherwise.
Doc, whilst your outlandish attempts to be seen as outspoken yet imbecilic are recognised and noted, you do seem to harbour some rare affinity to homosexuality and cultural diversity. Do you feel in some way that you are missing out from something that you actually belong to?

You seem to take delight in goading me, Doc ? Is it a schoolboyish attempt to gain my notice ? Are you too shy to say it out loud ?
Is there something that you have been struggling with for many years that you'd like to tell us ?

I'd be quite happy to shoot you down in flames all day, but I agree that it gets tiresome for other posters...........

Anyway, what time are you due at work ? Or is today not your pensioners half day ?
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I am off now catch you later. I think Goody summed it all up when she said " two men can hold hands and kiss in the street"

Merry bl00dy England.

Only hope I have a bucket of water ready.
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Nice try Octavius, missed the mark as usual.

See you jack.
"...Bradford was taken over by imported mill workers......the place is full of silly clothes and red beards."
I take it that you are referring to Pakistani muslims? Are your feelings towards them the same as your feelings towards homosexuals?
Is there no end to your nasty, puerile bigotry?????
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No idea what they are, they just look funny and out of place.

Could be garden gnomes for all I know. You put a name to them , I didn't.

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