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When was the last time

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Doc Spock | 11:18 Wed 29th Aug 2007 | Body & Soul
75 Answers
you saw a "straight" pride march.

Would it be seen as "homophobic" and would it therefore be objected to.

I think it would. Why is it that non straights seem to want to shout the fact from the rooftops.


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I thought he meant scottish people. Theres just no telling with the lovely, accepting, spock.
So you're saying the immigrant population of Bradford look funny and out of place.
I say it're a bigot.
Your not talking to me are you? =s
I do think it's a shame that all Doc Spock's own posts get given that sort of orangey pinky background; looks a bit, um, sissy, doesn't it?
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Of course i am a bigot, it is the only way forward, it is the future.
Hahahahaha jno. Does the word "overcompensating" jump to mind??
I think Spock has matured into arguably (!) the most amusing ABer of the current crop.
Oh, I do agree. I hear he's moving to Russia.
-- answer removed --
I'm not sure what's worse.

Doc Spock's outdated notions.

Or a load of people jumping on him cause he has then.

It's just possible he's a wind up merchant of the worst kind.

Or if he does truely hold those views then is it entirely sensible to even debate/discuss them. He won't be chaning his mind any time soon.

I mean... would you try and have a sensible conversation with a rambling, preachy lunatic on a steet corner with a megaphone? Just a thought.
I'm not Gay but was in Brighton when Pride was on , it's a carnival atmosphere and they raise loads of money for charity , if you get the chance go to it. It's just another section of the human race having fun . That's what life should be about , having fun and a laugh .
CD, Spock's views are actually normal, he's just more eloquent and vocal about them than Joe Public.

Most of the views in AB are abnormal, because sites like this always attract and concentrate weirdos and misfits.

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By jove Whiffey, top marks, hit the nail on the head.

Had sandwich at home but off out shortly.

Keep up the good works folks don't let the majority view get away with anything.
Hmm, Dr prescribes himself a nap.
Whiffey, I take your point, however....

Doc Spocks views are not representative of myself or anyone else I know. In my opinon they are outdated, promote intolerence and horrible. Therefore to me they're not the norm. But I'll defend his right to have to have them.

What annoys me is an apparent bunch of sensible people responding to the nastiness of his words. (To me they're nasty). As I said, if he truely holds that opinon, abusing and/or reasoning will not change that. Especially the abuse.

And since I don't think the Doc is a stupid man then I believe it's safe to say that he knows the effect that his words will have. So just responding or getting involved with him over it means he's probably sitting there pleased as punch and chucking away to himself. If it was me, I would be.

As to the weirdos and misfits. Well yes, you're probably right about that. I'm one of them. Not sure which one but definitely one of the above.
truly Godammit!
Whiffey, just because Doc and your everso-humble self share similar opinions neither makes the two of you 'right' nor the rest of us weirdos and misfits (I'll be happy to step out of this set if others feel it compromises my argument).

You must agree that the majority of the posters were utterly non-supportive of whichever topic Doc submitted yesterday.......

.......but, of course, that will be because they are all, to a wo/man, ill-educated, pinko, liberal misfits and weirdos
Good summary jack, especially the very very last bit.
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Goodness me Jack you have finally caught on.
Marvellous ! So you two are the only two sane people on here.............hmmmm..........guess that makes you a minority, then ?

Prepare to be oppressed !!!

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