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Well firstly I want to thank you all for replying.
I saw a TV program where there was like a group of people who had problems with their eyes, and they all did these exercises, but it wouldn't show you the actual exercises they did. Some of their sight improved quite a bit with it, and they must of been in their 20s.
My contacts are actually hard contacts, i'm not sure why, though I was probably told. And the stinging usually depends on when I wash them, I mostly wash them like half an hour before I put them in. Once I washed them like the night before and they didn't sting as much.
I will be going back to get my contacts renewed and my actual sight WITH the contacts has gone more blury. I'll probably get some more and I will ask my opthalmologist if there are any type of exercises to improve it a little.
Dave, thanks for that, i'll try it.
Nice one.