Super: If you�re shy, perhaps during one of your �chats� ask her about several films that are currently playing and see which ones she alludes to liking most. And if you find there�s one you believe you might enjoy as well, say that you�ve been thinking about seeing it yourself and simply say � If we both enjoy the same type, perhaps we should see it together and compare notes.� This would allow you to segue into talking about something else if she doesn�t respond favourably � just talk about another film. Or, if the response was favourable, simply say, �that sounds nice.� I�ll check to see where it�s playing and we can set a day to go.� You don�t even have to use the word �date.� And if those lights are green, the day before you go, tell her that you were thinking of eating after the film and ask her if she�d like to have dinner with you.
Go get em tiger!
Oh...don't forget to brush your teeth, wash your hair, scoop the dark stuff from beneath your fingernails, and CHANGE your underwear! (not just turn them inside out!)
Good luck