Acne in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Kaleen | 08:41 Mon 27th Sep 2004 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
Why would acne still be appearing in the late twenties to early thirties?
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Acne is not just a thing teenagers get im afraid, I had it in my thirty's and I didnt want to leave the house. I had acne on my face, back and chest which was very unsightly and having oily skin didnt help either ... not much i can do about that tho. I went to the doc's and was put on antibiotics for a while which did help for a bit but the downside to them is that your body gets used to them and they dont seem to work aswell so it was a case of trying some others .... to no avail. I was then put on the pill dianette which did help, but sometimes you may need something a bit stonger, which you can only get on prescription after seeing a skin specialist.
I'd go along with that..have a chat with the doctor and see if you can get refered to a specialist. In the mean time, try washing with an anti-bacterial soap/gel..there's quite a few on the market these days. Also have a word with the phamacist, they can often recommend something 'over the counter' (non prescription).
Take a look at your diet. Notice if it happens when you eat certain foods. Everytime I eat chocolate I break out, I'm 30. My grandpa, 74, breaks out if he eats sugar donuts.
Over half my life I've had blinking Acne. Luckily I only suffer on my back badly nowadays. So I guess it's fairly common place.
I never had a minutes bother with my skin in my teens, but began to get problem skin in my late twenties.The same thing happened to almost every one of my friends.As far as we could find out it seems to be stress related.
You can find some good informations and home remedies for acne at http://improveyourlivingstyle.blogspot.com/200 7/02/acne-cause-and-treatment.html

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