cafcass and ex husband in The AnswerBank: Law
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cafcass and ex husband

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katalina74 | 17:51 Sat 07th Mar 2009 | Law
3 Answers
Hello I have two 7 and 5 left my ex husband in August after years of domestic violence
Moved to a new house, I allowed him to have our girls at the weekends until October when he came to my property and beat me again in front of the children I had him arrested for ABH and he was found guilty in court.

When he dropped the girls of that night my 7 year old had said she did not want to go to his house anymore I asked he why and she said just because. I told him what she had said that's why he hit me.

Over the last few weeks the girls have told me that there dad had hit them when I had gone out or he was looking after them.
He wants to see the girls but they still don't want to see him so we got the courts involved and cafcass still waiting to see them
Last night my 7-year-old got all upset for no reason and unexpectedly said that her dad had touched her. As soon as she said it my little girl said yes I saw him do it. I asked her when and she said after we had moved. I have called the police and are waiting for her to be interviewed.

What will cafcass recommend will he get to see them although they never want to see him again?

Pleas help what can I do to keep this man away from me and the girls which does not involve me killing him with my bear hands!!!

i have a residence order and non molestation order

they don't want to see him with supervised visitation what can i do make them go its so hard i don't know what to do?
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report to the police....they'll make sure he doesn't come near your girls!
Hi Kat, have you seen this http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Law/Question721 410.html? Looks like your hubby is also posting on here.
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thanks nurseryt-31
he is such a low life... this is how he likes to play games

i know the truth and so does the police


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